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How to save on healthy food: granola bar

During our busy lives it can be difficult to take in the right amount of grain and fibers. To get enough of these and to enjoy a snack, this granola bar is a good solution. It is very simple to make your own granola bar, and a lot healthier too. All the sugars and preservatives make pre-packaged granola bars you can buy in shops very bad for you, and you don’t want that. Besides, these bars cost a pretty penny. With this recipe, you can make your own healthy granola bar and you’ll save some money in the process.

Healthy granola bar

What do you need?

  •     Granola
  •     Oatmeal
  •     Chia seeds
  •     50 ml honey
  •     Dried fruit
  •     3 tea spoons of sugar
  •     The oatmeal, granola and chia seeds should add up to 200 grams.

What do you have to do?

Granola bar

Instructions to save on healthy food

1. Melt the sugar in a pan, along with the honey. This stuff is going to keep your granola bar an actual bar.

2. Choose what grains and what fruits you want to put into the bar. For example, you can use oatmeal, chia seeds and wheat. There is no set amount in this recipe because you can add it to taste. You can also choose what fruits you want. Cut those into little pieces and mix them with the grain.

3. Mix the grain and the fruit with the honey, stir it well with a spoon. Make sure everything sticks together nicely.

4. Spread the mixture on baking paper as thick as you want your granola bar to be. Put another baking sheet on top.

5. Press the granola firmly and let it harden in the fridge.

Just sit back and wait for a few hours and voila, you have made your own granola bar with ingredients of your own choice. The only thing you have to do now is to cut it into pieces. That way, you have a granola bar with all the things you like, you take in enough grains and you always have a nice snack with you. This is how to safe on healthy food!

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