1. How does SavePedia work?
It’s really easy. You want to save money, we want to help. By posting guides with tips, tricks and how tos we’ll help you save money really easily. SavePedia is a website for and by you. If you have anything to contribute, any tip, trick, lifehack or anything else then you’re more than welcome to do so! Instructions on how to do this can be found under the next question.
2. How can I contribute?
You can sign in the right column of this page to contribute your guides to our website. It’s not that we don’t trust your capabilities, but we do verify the guides to make sure they are relevant and of high quality.
3. Is there a newsletter I can subscribe to?
Yes, there is a newsletter you can subscribe to. The newsletter contains the newest articles with the best hints, tips and tricks on how to save money.
4. How can I unsubscribe?
You can unsubscribe here.