Whether you are thinking of going on a vacation or planning on living there for some time, having resources that you can refer to for information on your destination is incredibly helpful. These 20 expat blogs are some of the best you’ll find on the web this year, providing you with the most useful tips, guides, and services that you could ask for.
You’ll especially want to check these blogs out if you are planning to be an expat, simply because you’ll be dealing with details that tourists or travelers simply won’t. It’s simply best to be prepared in these situations.
To anyone living in western countries, being an expat in New Zealand can be both familiar and strange, and it’s even more so who come from Asia or more tropical regions. Fortunately, amerinz.blogspot.co.nz is available to help you navigate the intricate mazes of conversation and references that you will undoubtedly come across as an expat.
Becoming an expat is a huge change and can often be equated to an adventure, and youngadventuress.com is certainly all about that. An amazing website that’s full of hope and looking at the positive side of traveling, you’ll definitely want to give this resource a look. For expats, the outlook that the author offers alone can be a huge asset.
An incredibly interesting resource, thecynicalsailor.blogspot.co.nz is not at all like your typical travel resource since it’s full of wit and engaging concepts about the practice. For expats, the insights that the site’s author can offer is really useful, especially for those who are only experiencing moving to another country for the first time.
A blog by someone who knows what it’s like to be an immigrant in another country first hand, themigratingswans.blogspot.com is one resource that expats can certainly relate to. There’s much about it that can be both relatable and new, which can come in really handy once you start trying to unravel the mysteries of getting along with the locals.
As expat resources go, libyourlife.com is one of the most reliable simply because it comes from the minds of expats living in New Zealand. You are basically along for the ride as a couple adjust to the changes that they experience and see what actually living in the country is like. It’s the kind of resource that offers deeper details.
Quite the amazing website, stokedforsaturday.com is all about the adventures of people who are living in New Zealand and are having an absolute blast. The country has always been considered one of the most appealing destinations for both tourists and expats, but you won’t get exactly what that means until you take a look at how stokedforsaturday.com describes it.
A relatable website about a mother whose life changed when moving to another country, alittlemoresouthern.com is one amazing resource that expats or aspiring expats everywhere really need to read. There’s plenty of great details to be gained from the site and some truly inspiring insights into what life is like in New Zealand.
Reading blogs is great and all, but when you visit bluepenguintravelblog.wordpress.com, you’re getting the benefit of someone who actually offers advice to travelers professionally. The author of bluepenguintravelblog.wordpress.com is a travel counselor who can help expats and tourists make some great decisions as far as the matter goes.
Superbly inspiring, islandashley.wordpress.com is the kind of website you visit when you just want to relax and learn about stuff at the same time. The design of the blog is soothing, the images have an artful simplicity to them, and the author herself is quite sincere. You certainly don’t want to pass up on this resource.
One of the simpler blogs on this list, nowandgwen.com was not created to be an expat blog but rather as a place for the author to share her passion for gardening as well as quirks of life. However, the site still features some truly helpful contents that will make the experience of being an expat something to celebrate instead of feel anxiety towards.
All about the personal experience and preferences of the author, pomsawaydownunder.wordpress.com is a good resource to check out if you like getting the perspective someone who is actually already doing what you are going to do. Living in New Zealand is not going to be perfect, but it’s still an incredible experience based on what pomsawaydownunder.wordpress.com has to say about it.
There are many, many things that you can do in New Zealand, which you can look forward to once you become an expat there. To help sort you out, you can always check out albomadventures.com. The site features some amazing images of different aspects, regions, and locales in the country. It’s a useful resource for the pictures and everything else.
While many of the websites on this list are more grounded to normal topics, beckonbalance.blogspot.co.nz offers a more spiritual view of what New Zealand can mean to expats. There are certainly plenty of hotspots to visit, but for those who want to soothe their spirits and calm their hearts, there are resources for that too.
When expat advice is what you need, lostinsilverfern.com is the resource to provide that to you. It’s straightforward in terms of how it delivers information and the author certainly knows what to prioritize in terms of what expats are likely to be anxious about. Basically, you can look at lostinsilverfern.com as a more experienced senior to help guide you.
Travelers often make for the most helpful sources of wisdom regarding life and practicallyperfectblog.com is a site by an author who has done a lot of traveling. As an expat resource, it gives plenty of tips on how traveling should be approached and what being in another country can mean aside from the obvious implications.
Hearing that New Zealand is a wonderful place to raise a family and start a life is one thing, but actually seeing what that means through catchingthemagic.com is an entirely different ball game. You are actually seeing what life will be like for you as an expat in this wonderful country and what it’s like to raise a family there.
They say that a picture paints a thousand words and myworldthrumycameralens.blogspot.com is all about taking pictures of New Zealand. To an expat, it makes for a great reference point in order to get the right perspective about what you can expect from the country. Of course, you’ll more information than that, but the site offers lots of useful contents too.
What with New Zealand being an absolute gorgeous sight for anyone to see, biking through it would certainly make for an excellent way to appreciate all that beauty. That’s what thebikewife.com is all about, which helps give expats plenty of great information on the different regions in New Zealand to work with.
While south-africa.co.nz might seem like it has a specific audience in mind, much of the information that you’ll find on the site can work for all travelers and expats. There are a lot of references that will prove useful to people once they arrive in New Zealand and those who are actually planning to live in the country will find it especially helpful.
Full of useful information that expats will definitely appreciate, you’ll want to visit atdownunder.com if you are planning to be an expat. There are lots of valuable details that should provide helpful to travelers as well, especially when it comes to appreciating food.